Friday, March 27, 2020

The other side of outbreak (Corona and me)!

Living  the paid retirement break!

The outbreak is not an occasion to celebrate but it is beyond our control and we can do a very little about it. So the unconditional acceptance of the current situation is the first step to get out of the worry. The opportunist like me will love to focus more on what's in it for me and how can I capitalize on it. So I am putting my prospective below and hope it helps you all to get out of worry and capitalize what we have actually got into!!

On the verge of this global lock-down, suddenly everyone ended up with a lot of spare time in hand and me being no exception to it. It is just the the start of lock-down here in India, however I am already feeling so fulfilled and thankful to Almighty for being able to use my time the way I want. I completed all pending works from office, cleaned up my home office, arranged my documents and even contributed to household mundane works as well, as all maids are also under lock-down. Still I have got time in hand. This is such a rare and great feeling to cherish.

It has been long since when I last posted. This post I am able to write today is also a gift of the lock-down as I got the required break to ink my pen back in action. Also the topic I am writing is  the cause itself. It helps me not to feel lonely in home as I am interacting with you all through this blog and being able to express myself freely. It feels so enriching to empty out myself  for the cause of betterment of others. I feel this is the time to dwell upon the core interest of oneself and capitalize this time for fulfilling the long awaited desire to be able to act upon. Everyone out here may be one of the drawing artist, singer, dancer, sculptor, writer, composer, musician and what not. Lets meditate deep inside and find out to awake the real self. 

The whole world probably needed a break to recreate itself and it has come out in the form of outbreak! With sudden break on human activities the jungles will now develop back their flora and fauna, animals will get more food, their life cycles will be placed back in position,  pollution will come down, the whole ecosystem will realign, the climatic changes will be reversed to some extent and the earth will become a better place to live! It seems to an action of bounce back to get more durability of the earth. This virus seems to be a mechanism  of nature to regulate immunity levels in humans and probably human will come out of this with better immunity and stronger genes. After all the survival of the fittest it the Nature's rule!! Lets rejoice the journey of pollution to purity.

It is the wonderful gift at our doorstep (actually inside home 😁) which has passively come like cloud with the silver line. Although there is genuine threat to everyone, it is important here to understand what we focus more upon that matters. Are we focusing more upon fear, anxiety, restlessness, uncertainty or we are focusing on what action we can take during the same? While following all the precautions with the best possible way, lets accept the fact that we can do a very little about it!! So when we can not do much, lets do what we can, keeping all these negative things away!! 

Let's spend quality time with family like never before, live every relation once again, explore deep inside each one in the family, lets visit their likes and dislikes, know them freshly, close all misunderstandings if any,  love them from bottom of heart, observe the children closely, become one to play with them, let the romance be in air with spouse, lets observe wrinkles on face of parents, lets call all our friends, reduce the distance virtually (as you observe social distancing😁), pour the self out and feel fresh and rejuvenated. Mother earth is reforming let's tune to the same song!

It is the time to create masterpieces from the pictures on hard drives, making the playlists which resonates with inner self, decorating the house to home, making everything alive with the personal touch, closing the eyes in gratitude, forgiving the past, mediate, exercise of brain and body, cultivate new habits, learning something new, sharpen required skills, align the whole life to the real priorities of self. Redirecting the focus on life than the death can give us the wonderful results and the best thing out of this is at least for now we are getting paid for it !!! 😁😁😁

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